Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

Friday, June 7, 2013

A Truth Journal: Heckled First Lady Michelle Obama: Accused As Angry Black Woman? Come On; Really?

A Truth Journal: Heckled First Lady Michelle Obama: Accused As Angry Black Woman? Come On; Really?: From Denny:  Now First Lady Michelle Obama is accused of being the archetypal "angry black woman" for daring to stare down and get in the face of an inept protester who just thought the First Lady would tolerate her rudeness. Where do people get these ideas about how this was a racist heckling incident with white entitlement overtones?

Well, never to be a shrinking violet from controversy on my blog, let's start with the "angry black woman" stereotype...

Magic Coffee Fonts Clasp Wallet

Magic Coffee Fonts celebrate our morning cup of joe!


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