Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Social Poets: Funny Late Nite Jokes: Casey Anthony Trial, News Corp Scandal, Debt Ceiling

Comic Jon Stewart calls Fox News on their many lies

The Social Poets: Funny Late Nite Jokes: Casey Anthony Trial, News Corp Scandal, Debt Ceiling: "From Denny: This past week comics had plenty to lampoon. William and Kate, the celebrated British royals came for a visit to California while on the continent. There was an outburst of royal fever while they collected funds for their favorite charities. Recently married this was their first excursion as a duo and they were warmly received everywhere they visited.

Casey Anthony Trial Verdict

On the darker side: the Casey Anthony trial, where a young single mother was accused of killing her two-year-old daughter. Jurors acquitted her, delivering a surprise verdict. The whole country erupted in indignation because everyone assumed her guilty."


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